

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Week of January 4th


• Happy New Year!

• A school fundraiser will be starting this month.

• Wednesday is Unity Day - Together against bullying — united for kindness, acceptance and inclusion.Make it ORANGE and make it end! On Unity Days (once per month) we make an extra effort to spread the message of Kindness, Acceptance, and Inclusion by wearing ORANGE.

Language Arts

• This week we will continue focusing on nonfiction skills: cause/effect, context clues, author's purpose, and elements of poetry. We will be reading a text about smoke jumpers and a poem about freedom.

• We will focus on procedural writing, how to brush your teeth.

• Read 20 minutes each night to practice reading skills.


• We will continue to learn about measurement and shapes.

• Practice addition and subtraction facts.


• We will begin to learn about the weather.

Character Education